Government commissions review of Loan Charge

28 Jan 2025

The government has commissioned an independent review of the Loan Charge.

At the 2024 Autumn Budget, the government committed to commissioning an independent review of the Loan Charge to help 'bring the matter to a close for those affected whilst ensuring fairness for all taxpayers'. It should bring the Charge to a close for people who still owe substantial amounts of money but can see no way to resolve their debts.

According to the government, the review should generate 'targeted solutions' that have the 'minimum possible impact on the public finances'. Solutions provided should not undermine the fundamental principles of the UK tax system that individuals are responsible for their own tax affairs and that tax owed should be paid.

In a letter to Ray McCann, a former President of the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT), James Murray, Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, outlined that the review should have recommendations ready for presentation by summer 2025.


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