Personal tax planning

We have many years’ experience in helping private individuals with their self assessment tax returns and inheritance tax planning.

The team here at Michael Letch & Partners LLP can assist individuals in minimising their liability to personal taxes, such as income tax, capital gains tax (CGT), inheritance tax and non-domiciliary taxes.

We can also assist in the completion and filing of any relevant returns and supply you with comprehensive advice on which payments are due and when.

Our team also has detailed knowledge of the taxation issues surrounding trusts and estate planning: we can help you to make the most of both of these.

Please get in touch to discover how we can help you to maximise your personal wealth.


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Michael Letch & Partners LLP, 146 High Street, Billericay, Essex CM12 9DF

Michael Letch & Partners LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registration number OC328815.

Michael Letch & Partners LLP is also regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to carry out specific activities and investment advice (registration number 112064).

The term ‘Partner’ is used to refer to a member of Michael Letch & Partners LLP. A list of members is open to inspection at our registered office at 146 High Street, Billericay, Essex, CM12 9DF.

Michael Letch & Partners LLP is registered as auditors in the United Kingdom by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants